December 19, 2022
By Dennis Archambault As the calendar year winds down and holiday socials return, with only a few masked guests at parties to remind us there still is a pandemic...
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November 22, 2022
By Dennis Archambault When E’Liza Scott, R.N., was studying to be a nurse practitioner, she searched for a preceptor for her Pediatrics internship. Her sister,...
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August 1, 2022
By Dennis Archambault Of the most promising prevention tools in addressing the AIDS epidemic is the development of the drug pre-exposure prophylaxis or “PrEP.” Yet, like other forms of...
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July 28, 2022
Federal Low-income Housing Tax Credits Help Develop New Apartments in Detroit By Dennis Archambault The complexity of developing low-income housing cannot be underestimated. The social and financial engineering that...
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July 22, 2022
We are #BuildingBridges! We have been awarded a grant that will be very helpful in assisting us to continue to address the barriers that exist amongst community members in...
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June 17, 2022
By Dennis Archambault Dr. Nicholas Fletcher’s future seemed uncertain a year ago, having been accepted into the Authority Health Teaching Health Center. What made his future so uncertain was...
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June 17, 2022
By Patricia Johnson For many of us, much of our time is spent in the workplace, making it that much more important that we ensure it is...
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June 17, 2022
By Artina Dozier-Gage Dr. Ali Abdallah, also known as Dr. Ali, has joined Authority Health as the Family Medicine Attending Physician at the Hope Family Health Center located inside Hope...
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June 14, 2022
By Dennis Archambault On June 9, the first group of “COVID-certified” residents completed their training at Authority Health. This group not only endured the pandemic, but they were also...
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June 13, 2022
By Ernie Yoder, MD, PhD, MACP I read with interest a recent commentary of Dr. Daniel Dessner in the Detroit News, “Why it’s dangerous for Michigan to assume...
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May 31, 2022
By Ernie Yoder In a commentary published recently in Free Press (“Lack of residencies leaves med school graduates without a career path,” May 21), the critical shortage of primary...
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May 31, 2022
By Dennis Archambaut On May 2, it was “Bike to School” day. And on May 20, it was “Bike to Work” day. The Detroit Greenways Coalition, which would like...
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