June 8, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2021 Contact: press@michigan.gov Governor Whitmer Signs Bipartisan Bills to Improve Access to Mental Health Services through Michigan Crisis and Access Line LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 4043...
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June 7, 2021
Updated June 4, 2021 Reviewed by Adel Karsou, clinical lab scientist Talking to your teen about sex can be extremely challenging and downright awkward. But it’s critical to talk...
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June 1, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 1, 2021 Media Contact: press@michigan.gov Governor Gretchen Whitmer and LARA Announce Adopted Training Requirement to Improve Equity Across Michigan’s Health Care System LANSING, Mich....
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June 1, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 1, 2021 Contact: Press@Michigan.gov Michigan Takes Next Step Back to Normal under updated Vacc to Normal Plan LANSING, Mich. – Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Michigan has reached...
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May 28, 2021
By Dennis Archambault Of the many seemingly odd news topics to emerge during the coronavirus pandemic, the announcement on May 10 that England would begin to allow hugging again...
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May 24, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 24, 2021 CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112, WuthC@michigan.gov Governor Gretchen Whitmer proclaims May 28 as Heat Stroke Prevention Awareness Day LANSING, Mich. – Concerted efforts are being...
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May 22, 2021
Check out the May 2021 eNewsleter: https://conta.cc/3bLFBKH
May 20, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 20, 2021 Contact: press@michigan.gov Governor Whitmer Accelerates ‘MI Vacc to Normal’ Plan to Move Michigan Forward Towards Normalcy The ‘MI Vacc to Normal’ Plan now features two steps to get the state back to normal by July 1st ...
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May 19, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 19, 2021 CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112, WuthC@michigan.gov MDHHS continues combatting lead poisoning with two new programs LANSING, Mich. – As part of an ongoing commitment to...
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May 19, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 18, 2021 CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112, WuthC@michigan.gov MDHHS pilots enhanced Maternal Infant Health Program, seeks to provide enhanced home visiting service for Michigan families LANSING, Mich....
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May 18, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 18, 2021 CONTACT: Chelsea Wuth, 517-241-2112, WuthC@michigan.gov Governor Whitmer declares May as Hepatitis Awareness Month Adults ages 18 and older should be tested for HCV at...
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May 14, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 14, 2021 Contact: press@michigan.gov Gov. Whitmer Lifts Mask Requirement for Fully Vaccinated Michiganders Fully vaccinated Michiganders no longer required to wear a mask or face covering indoors or...
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