How Are the Children?
By Artina Dozier-Gage Healthy Children, Healthy Community: the importance of connecting the dots… There’s a greeting that is used by communities in Africa upon entering one another’s village;... continue reading.
‘Fending’ for Dinner: Making something out of nothing, and Even help save the planet
‘Fending’ for Dinner: Making something out of nothing, and even help save the planet By Dennis Archambault Technically, “fending” means to look after yourself. Well, at the end of... continue reading.
‘Park Rx’ adds a treatment modality for primary care
‘Park Rx’ adds a treatment modality for primary care By Dennis Archambault Earlier this spring, a news article announced the adoption of “Park Rx” by the Belle Isle Conservancy.... continue reading.
Advocating for Survivors of Sexual Assault
By AeYanna Yett As we close out April, a month dedicated to a national movement of bringing awareness to sexual assault, it is imperative that we also emphasize the... continue reading.
How Sumi Does It
By Artina Dozier-Gage Schweitzer Fellow Sumi Dey’s humanitarian work through her project How to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy in Underserved Populations in Detroit has had so much success with increasing... continue reading.
Mindfulness Through Our Own Autonomy
By Artina Dozier-Gage We are pleased to announce that Students from Hope Academy will now have the opportunity to participate in afterschool activities focused on supporting mental health and... continue reading.
State COVID racial health disparities task gets national validation, issues recommendations
By Dennis Archambault When the first reports revealed that minority groups were dying in disparate numbers compared to population groups in the initial weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, people... continue reading.
I Decided That I Wanted to Be Around to See My Grandkids
By Robert Thornton I Decided That I Wanted to Be Around to See My Grandkids Grow Up Surprisingly, 2018 turned out to be an amazing and transformative year for... continue reading.
Getting to a Health Literate Society
When Dr. Carolyn Custer was growing up, she needed to help her brother, who had dyslexia, understand things better. The experience allowed her to recognize that she had the... continue reading.
My Heart Story
By Dennis Archambault I have had the opportunity to observe several surgical procedures, from the first transplantation of five digits in a human hand and the meticulous reconstruction of... continue reading.
Health Insurance Literacy is an Important Component of Overall Health Literacy
By Amanda Bazzi Health insurance is a complex and multifaceted contract between insurance companies and policy holders. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that health insurance policies often... continue reading.