The Consortium developed the second largest Teaching Health Center (THC) in the nation, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for the purpose of training primary care residents in medically underserved and high physician shortage areas. This type of training sensitizes the clinicians to the community dynamics affecting the health of their patients and ideally increases the physician workforce in those areas.
Authority Health residents will experience the challenges and possibilities of caring for people with complex medical problems complicated by the social determinants of health. Residents devote most of their time seeing patients in the communities where they live and learning about the communities that affect their health. The foundation of the program is in Federally Qualified Health Centers or FQHC’s, which provide a multidisciplinary group-practice model integrating medical and nursing, as well as other health disciplines. These health centers are in urban Detroit, suburban Wayne County, and rural Monroe County.
The Authority Health GME Consortium, is currently funded and approved for 71 positions in four specialties: internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry. Training occurs in a variety of settings including community health centers, private physicians and small group practice offices, area hospitals and community mental health agencies. Authority Health GME Consortium is currently rotating residents within 10 community mental health agencies, three hospitals/health systems, the Detroit VA and over 40 community health centers and private physician offices. By working in these sites, residents experience the conditions where their patients live and work, and over time appreciate the social and structural influences that affect their health.
Welcome to the Authority Health Teaching Health Center Residency Program – VIDEO
The Authority Health GME Consortium was originally developed and accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), but since the implementation of the single accreditation system, we have acquired positive progression into full Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accreditation. To date, Authority Health GME Consortium has received continued full institutional accreditation through 2027, with our programs receiving full (internal medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry) and continued (family medicine) ACGME accreditation status.
Certificate In Population Health and Health Equity (CPHHE)
Authority Health GME Consortium is unique in its required two-year Certificate in Population Health and Health Equity (CPHHE) program. In partnership with the University of Michigan School of Public Health, the goal of this program is to build the residents’ awareness and skills to support their patients’ health from a population health perspective. As a bonus to this understanding and as a designated teaching health center, Authority Health takes seriously our charge to train residents who are equipped to provide care for medically underserved communities. In order to understand how to mobilize community resources, residents are either required or can choose to complete a block rotation in community medicine.
GME Mission
Improve the health of the medically underserved of Detroit and Wayne County through quality GME clinical training programs applying the principles of population health.
GME Vision
Residents and faculty are engaged in the practices of the future, incorporating both community and population health, with an emphasis on awareness and reduction of health disparities through direct exposure to innovative patient care and GME models.
Consortium Members
- Detroit Wayne County Health Authority DBA Authority Health
- Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (
- Federally Qualified Health Centers (Southeastern Michigan)
GME Staff

Jonathan Lovy, DO
Medical Director/DME

Angela Cole, MBA
Designated Institutional Officer (DIO)

Chaya Pitman-Hunt, DO
Associate Designated Institutional Officer (ADIO)

Camille McKinley, MSHSA
Graduate Medical Education Program Manager
Simonne Brown
Executive Assistant
Scholarly/Quality Improvement Work
All programs require residents to actively participate in scholarly activity prior to program completion. Our residents’ projects explore topics in biomedical research, quality and safety, population and public health, as well as patient education in the ambulatory care setting, inpatient setting, educational environment, and the community. In a single academic year, all graduating residents completed at least one scholarly/Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) project, where multiple faculty members engaged with residents in CQI projects. Of these, 11 were peer-reviewed presentations or publications of scholarly work, 58 were conference presentations, 4 were peer-reviewed publications, 9 were book chapters, and residents participated in or led 17 grants.
Graduate Stats
Since inception of our program in 2013 and the first graduating class of 2015. Authority Health GME Consortium has had eighty-seven (87) graduates;
- Total Graduates = 106
- Total stayed in Michigan after graduation = 52 (49%)
- 62% completed residency and took a job in a medically underserved or high physician shortage area
- 53% took a position in an ambulatory setting
- 27% took a position in an inpatient setting
- 19% accepted into a fellowship after completion
- 13% have taken positions in a federally qualified health center
It has been reported that of the traditional CMS graduate medical education programs, only 3% of those trainees remain at the hospital (inpatient setting) they trained.
Residency Programs
The residency programs of Authority Health are approved Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) programs accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Authority Health created its GME Consortium to establish an innovative community-based model for residency training that will enhance physicians’ skills and broaden their perspectives in the service of diverse, vulnerable populations. Further, the GME Consortium aims to increase the supply of health professionals working in medically underserved communities.
Have suggestions or concerns?
This link permits you to send messages regarding concerns or suggestions to the Authority Health Human Resources Department. All information is kept confidential and private by Authority Health to the extent allowed by law when submitting information through this link. Please explain your idea or concern as clearly as possible. If you wish to be contacted directly regarding a suggestion, concern, or incident, please include your contact information.
This form generates a report that is normally reviewed during business hours and should not be used if you need an immediate response.
Compensation and Benefits
Authority Health GME offers many benefits on top of salary, including 90% employer-paid health, dental and vision insurance premiums. Other benefits include life insurance, 20 days paid time off per contract year, conference and educational stipends (which are separate and in addition to a resident’s salary), lab coats and program-wide educational materials.

How To Apply
The residency programs at Authority Health accept applications through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and participates in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).
Area Information

About Detroit
As with any large urban center, there are many aspects of Detroit. Indeed, much of it is vulnerable from the standpoint of population health. While the needs are great, the rewards of working in this community are, as well. Detroit is a very livable city, with cultural, entertainment and recreational options that match or exceed any city its size. Its regional options are even greater, with only a short distance to some of the finest recreational offerings of North America. Check out these recent features for more details:
Housing Opportunities
Urban Detroit has seen considerable revival in quality affordable housing in the Midtown and Downtown districts of the city. Check out these listings for urban living options that are within minutes of the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (Detroit Campus) and conveniently located for most practice sites in the program.
Frequently Asked Questions About Applying to an Authority Health Residency Program.
Do you participate in the NRMP match?
Do you have minimum USMLE or COMLEX scores?
How do I apply?
Through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS)
How many letters of recommendation do you require?
What is the time frame for applying?
Applications are reviewed from August through January.
Do you accept osteopathic and allopathic graduates?
Do you accept international graduates?
Yes, we accept IMGs, but the program is unable to sponsor applicants needing visas.
Do you accept both the USMLE and the COMLEX?
Yes, we will accept either the USMLE or the COMLEX
Do you need to have completed USMLE Step 2 or COMLEX Level 2 to apply?
No, we will review applications without USMLE Step 2 or COMLEX Level 2 scores; however, we must have documentation of your successful completion of Step 2 CK and CS by the time of your interview.
Do you offer observerships/audition rotations?
Audition rotations are only offered in our family medicine program right now.
Do you have a maximum number of years since graduation from medical school?
No, we do not limit the number of years since graduation; however, we do not consider applicants who have not been active in a clinical setting for a period of 2 years or more.
Is the Authority Health program approved to train VA-eligible residents?