Kaiser Releases More Extensive Backgrounder on Social Determinants

By Dennis Archambault
Providers and community health organizations have increasingly come to understand social determinants of health, and how they become “determinants.” In a less fatalistic way, we might call them “influences” that individuals and collectives can alter, thereby giving folks a fighting chance.

In any case, it’s important to understand these social factors and monitor the many policy changes that are impacting them and the ability of individuals to overcome then. The Kaiser Family Foundation just came out with a new, more detailed backgrounder on social determinants, which is worth studying. What’s most interesting was a sidebar on states that integrated social determinants into Medicaid managed care contracts. In a way, it seems amazing that more aren’t, given the how removing social determinants can have a positive effect on health, and thereby save money for the managed care provider.

No matter, check out the latest KFF report on social determinants: https://www.google.com/search?q=Beyond+Health+Care%3B+The+Role+of+Social+Determinants+in+Promoting+Health+and+Health+Equity&rlz=1C1JPGB_enUS596US596&oq=Beyond+Health+Care%3B+The+Role+of+Social+Determinants+in+Promoting+Health+and+Health+Equity&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.28459j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Dennis Archambault is vice president, Public Affairs, for Authority Health.