‘Corner stores’: Oases in the food desert?

By Dennis Archambault
At a recent meeting of the Detroit Food Policy Council’s Grocery Store Engagement Committee, it occurred that many of the small markets that comprise the network of 1,200 – not known for offering fresh, nutritious food – may be areas of opportunity. The committee is undergoing a strategic planning process which will likely include some form of persuading them to augment their product line to better serve the health needs of our community. Organizations in other cities, such as the Philadelphia Food Trust (http://thefoodtrust.org/), are working on similar strategies.

In Detroit, Authority Health is in the second year of a State of Michigan grant to promote fresh fruits and vegetables in Southwest Detroit markets – “Mi Plato, Mi Vida”. An announcement of a new initiative is coming later this spring. It makes sense to take an assets view of the challenge rather than a deficit view. If the buildings are there, and people are using them to buy their food, it makes sense to try to persuade the owners that improving their store environment and product offerings will lead to sales and everyone wins.

Dennis Archambault is vice president of Public Affairs for Authority Health.