A Local Voice For Population Health
Population health has been defined as “the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group.” It is an approach to health that aims to improve the health of an entire human population. A priority considered important in achieving this aim is to reduce health inequities or disparities among different population groups due to, among other factors, the social determinants of health: social, environmental, cultural, and physical; determinants that different populations are born into, grow into, and function within, which potentially have a measurable impact on the health of human populations. This concept represents a change in focus from the individual approach of mainstream medicine and complements classic efforts of public health agencies by addressing a broader range of factors shown to impact the health of different populations.
The Detroit Wayne County Health Authority established a Population Health Council as a local agent to create consensus around population health recommendations for policy change and heath status improvement. This blog is the voice of the many stakeholders who are contributing to our goals of creating a healthier community.
About the artist
Katherine Larson’s vision for a green Detroit, featured on our home page, is seen as a mural on the side of the Whole Foods Store in Detroit. We felt it was a wonderful image for us to use for this blog. According to the artist, “my design is based on health, vitality, and community – a true reflection of what is currently happening in Detroit. The city is in the middle of a revitalization and it’s exciting to see.” We share that vision for a healthier future for the City of Detroit and Wayne County.
To see more of Katherine Larson’s work, click here to visit her website: http://www.katherinelarson.com/